Monday, January 9, 2017

Dispel the Lies

(Image obtained from: (2016).
Here is What I Know about Lying and Detecting Lies.)
What thoughts are you thinking about yourself that you constantly repeat in your mind or speak out of your mouth that is not true?

I am not smart enough, I can't do that, no one would ever want me, and I am not good enough...

The list could go on, but all these things are lies.

You have to dispel the lies that your past experience has made you believe. The truth is, you will become what you think. So, you have to think positive thoughts about yourself and dismiss all the false truths your life circumstances have caused you to believe. I know you are saying, I wasn't good at school, I had several bad relationships, no one ever found me worthy, but these things are all lies that are controlling you and keeping you from being the perfect you.

To dispel the lies you have to replace it with the truth.

The truth is, that you are fearfully and wonderfully made in God's image, and God doesn't make junk. You are the perfect you. You are beautiful, intelligent, worthy and able to accomplish anything you set your mind to achieve. 

You have to activate these thoughts by telling yourself how wonderful you are each day. When those lies come into your mind you have to replace them with the truth. You have to look at yourself in the mirror each day and tell yourself why you are great. If this does not work, you have to post notes on your mirror about how great your are and recite it ever time you walk by. So, dispel all those negative images with positives thoughts and enjoy being that perfect you, because she is fabulous.


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