Monday, April 24, 2017

Guard Your Thoughts

Guard Your Thoughts 

Have you ever just been sitting there and your mind wonders and you can not figure out why you're thinking about a particular topic? It's because you are not guarding your thoughts. Your thoughts are influenced by the things you hear and see. Since this is the case, it's important to watch who you constantly associate with, what you watch on TV, what you listen to on the radio, and what you read.

All these things shape your mind and influence your thoughts. I am not saying, not to watch certain types of TV shows, but if you are battling with your thoughts on an issue, it's not wise to look at shows that glorify what you a trying to dispel. Your thoughts are so important. They are what drive you. Your thoughts can make or break you because they turn into actions. Since thoughts turned into actions, it's important to feed them positive images. These thoughts help you make your decisions which dictates what happens in your life. 

If you want to change your way of thinking and guard your thoughts, you can begin each day by praying, watching an inspirational video, reading something that motivates you, listening to something spiritual, or by saying affirmations. This will help enhance your thoughts and protect your mind. So, guard your mind, develop your positive thoughts, and begin to renew your spirit. 


Monday, April 17, 2017


Do it Scared!

Is there something you want to do in your life but you have not done it because you are afraid? Was your fear so strong that you talked yourself out of it but you kept thinking about it? This is what happens when you have something in your spirit that’s trying to manifest. It will keep resurfacing until you finally get the courage to do it. 

Ask yourself, "What are you afraid of? Are you scared that you will fail or people will not approve? Is it that you are afraid that you will not exceed your expectations?  Well, the reality is, you will not know what will happen until you try. 

The feeling of being scared has occurred to me many times and I still have to get over it when I am starting something new. In 2009, fear almost stopped me from entering my Doctoral Program. My greatest fear was that I did not write well enough to complete the dissertation. I was so scared that it took me a month to submit my admissions essay, but I am glad I did. Fear could have stopped me but I did it scared and now I am Dr. Sheena Wilson.

Not fulfilling your dreams because you are scared only ends in future regrets. How will you know your greatness, if you refuse to get in the game? I always say, a loser can eventually become a winner, but the person who never starts will always be full of regrets. Do not wind up being the "if I, should of, could of, man.... conquer your fears and do it scared. 


Monday, April 10, 2017

Dealing with Disappointment

In life there will be disappointments but the way you deal with them will determine your altitude. In my career, some would say, I have been in a season of disappointment. I call it a season of development. Currently at my job, I am in a leadership position but I wanted to transition to another area to develop additional skills.  At first, I was apprehensive about leaving because it was comfortable. I have strong connections that took years to develop. Also, I have a commitment to the community and I really love the kids and families.  Even though, I really love what I do, where I work, and the people I work with there comes a time when you need a change. Now, I always talk about taking action, so I did. In the past year, I applied for three positions that would have taken my skills to the next level but all of them ended in disappointment.

The first position I applied for I took the assessment, passed, and was put on the list. My position changed twice on the list each time higher than the place before. Then I received an email to go through the whole process again, so I did, but it still did not workout. I then interviewed for the second position and they offered me the job. I was so happy but I could not accept it because the salary was way to low. At that moment, I felt a sense of disbelief. Then I thought of the prayer I always say. I always ask God to open the doors that are meant for me and to close those doors that are not.  Even though I was disappointed, I still kept the faith and tried for this leadership intern program and I felt like this one was really the one. I had applied for this program last year and did not get pass the first round but this time, I made it to the last stage. I just knew this was the program for me but I was wrong again. Another door close, another disappointment, so what’s next, I said to myself.

That day when I received the bad news that I did not get into the program, you know what I did. I called my mom for my peep talk and it worked a little bit. My brother gave me words of encouragement and that helped a little more, but I still was disappointed. Then something happened, I came across a lady at Target who asked to pray for me and she let me know that God knows the desires of my heart and to be patient.

Then it hit me….

Continue to treats things that belong to others like it’s your own

You talent will make room for you

You want to walk in the Perfect will of GOD

What God has for me it is for ME

He has something better for you

Never Give Up

Try, Try, Try Again

Preparation is the key

Good Better, Best, never let it rest, until your better becomes your BEST

Be thankful


Monday, April 3, 2017

Growing into You

Growing into YOU

There comes a time in life when you realize you are not where you think you should be. That’s when you have to grow into the part. This has happened to most people I know and even myself. At times, depending on what it is, I am still growing into that person I desire to be. The key is to start and never give up, because life is only fulfilling when you are growing. Most people have said to themselves, I should be farther along than this, I should have a better home, be an entrepreneur, make more money, or even have a family by now.  I say to those people, it is never to late to start becoming the person you desire to be.

The person you desire to be is just a mindset shift away. Maybe you are not that person because of the choices you have made and the road you have traveled. If this is the case, travel down a different road. It might be hard. There will be failures but this is all apart of the growing process. In order to grow there will be growing pains. The beauty of these growing pains are that they’re designed to shape you into the person you desire to be. There will be a process and your life will go through some seasons, but at the end, you will find the person you were looking for…The person you desire to BE…. 

#InspireU #DrWilson #growintoyou

I will start first. 

I am growing into the part by enrolling myself into leadership programs to develop my leadership skills so I can become an instructional leader and mentor to other women.  

So how are you growing into the part? 

Leave a comment below telling me how you are growing into the part.