Friday, September 8, 2017


I thought I wanted to be a blogger. I wanted to motivate people and help them change their mindset so they could change their life.

But, I do not really write my Blog anymore. Did I stop caring about it? Did I stop caring about inspiring woman to be the best them they can possibly be?

Maybe I did. Has this ever happen to you? You start out on a journey and at first you are on fire then you realize that it's hard. Not a little hard, but extremely difficult and takes more dedication than you thought.

So, you stop doing what you set out to do. You come up with excuses that help you get over the fact that you “GAVE UP”, “YOU QUIT”.

Well this morning, I realized that I gave up, I gracefully bowed out. While taking my son to school, we listen to motivational speakers to set a positive tone to our day. A YouTube video titled “I’m Not Here To Be Average” was our choice and it had me thinking.. Thinking hard and I knew in that moment I had to write about it. I had to ask myself, “DID I STOP CARING?”

The gentleman went on to say, “You have to Care more than Normal and more than Necessary for your Results. Those who let themselves off the hook gave themselves permission not to Care anymore”.

This struck a cord in me because it was true. I gave myself permission not to care. Well, today I revoke that permission.

It does not matter how hard it is; It does not matter how much dedication it takes; I will accomplish my goals.

I will get up each morning complete the hardest task of my day. I will write for my blog.

If there is something you want to accomplish and it is difficult. Do not put it off to the end of the day. Do what is difficult FIRST. Completing your hardest task first thing in the morning will make you feel successful and create a positive start to your day. 

You might have to get up a little earlier, but the commitment to yourself will payoff in the end.

Even though, your goal might be a challenging ONE and even seem impossible don't give up and


You have to CARE more than NORMAL and more than NECESSARY about your RESULTS.



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