Sunday, March 5, 2017


Actions Determine Your Destiny 

Actions speak louder than words and when your actions does not line up with what you say it affects your results. Have you ever talked about something you wanted to do but it never came to pass? If your words haven't come true yet, it could be that you are not putting any actions behind it. You say you want to go to College, but you did not apply. You say you want to loss weight, but you do not go to the gym, workout, or change your diet. You can say anything but the words do not become a reality until you incorporate some action. The difference between a successful person and an unsuccessful person is what they do, not what they say. 

People who are successful speak words to motivate themselves but they implement a plan and work the plan until their actions get them the desired results. They do not run around selling pipe dreams that never pass the lip service phase. Now, there is nothing wrong with dreams, but dreams that are never acted on are future regrets. When you see your actions are not yielding the desired results, you have to change your actions. Words accompanied by actions are powerful and can change the course of you life. What you speak, turns into what you believe, and what you believe becomes your actions. So, speak your dreams and let your Actions determine your destiny. 


1 comment:

  1. Chicka, at my last school our daily affirmation was "if my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it I know I can achieve it". Just these little words had an impact on my life for 13 years there. It made the students proud to be apart of the school it made them work hard and tried their best, it was uplifting. With this being said life sometimes takes you back so that you can refuel. I am now refueled simply from reading your message which took me back to my first appointed school.
