Monday, April 17, 2017


Do it Scared!

Is there something you want to do in your life but you have not done it because you are afraid? Was your fear so strong that you talked yourself out of it but you kept thinking about it? This is what happens when you have something in your spirit that’s trying to manifest. It will keep resurfacing until you finally get the courage to do it. 

Ask yourself, "What are you afraid of? Are you scared that you will fail or people will not approve? Is it that you are afraid that you will not exceed your expectations?  Well, the reality is, you will not know what will happen until you try. 

The feeling of being scared has occurred to me many times and I still have to get over it when I am starting something new. In 2009, fear almost stopped me from entering my Doctoral Program. My greatest fear was that I did not write well enough to complete the dissertation. I was so scared that it took me a month to submit my admissions essay, but I am glad I did. Fear could have stopped me but I did it scared and now I am Dr. Sheena Wilson.

Not fulfilling your dreams because you are scared only ends in future regrets. How will you know your greatness, if you refuse to get in the game? I always say, a loser can eventually become a winner, but the person who never starts will always be full of regrets. Do not wind up being the "if I, should of, could of, man.... conquer your fears and do it scared. 



  1. Absolutely deep and majors you think about things in my own personal life. I feel like I dream big and I have been bring some of my goals to lifht, very empowering Doc. Love it

    1. Teresa just continue to DREAM BIG and take steps toward your goal. Magnificent Creations is just the beginning of your greatness.

    2. Being afraid in many avenues for me is part of who I am. I have fear of being alone, which I am usually; fear of not doing my best; fear of letting others down; fear of failing; fear of not being accepted; etc. my fears at times hinder me from succeeding. I am trying to get over my fear and acknowledge that God is always with me and will allow me to be great regardless of what or who interferes. Thanks for the post!
