Monday, February 27, 2017

The Perfect Time is Now

What are you waiting for? The perfect time is now. 

We all have heard the saying don't put off tomorrow what you can do today, but even though we know that we keep procrastinating. It's never seems to be the right time or we are not in the right mind frame so we continue to wait and put off our dreams. At sometime in our life, we all have done this but when will it ever be time. Well, the time is NOW. There is no such thing as the perfect time or place to do anything. You have to create that perfect moment and that moment is NOW. Stop making your dreams a SHOULD and make them a MUST. When your dream becomes that thing that drives you to get you up in the morning, then you are in the process of creating that moment. That moment could take 2 weeks or 20 years , but when you are working towards your dream you feel accomplished, you feel your growth, and it creates a sense of happiness that is unexplainable. 

Now, your dream could be anything such as completing a 5k, writing a book, being a doctor, a motivational speaker, getting out of debt, or going on a trip to Paris. Whatever it is, it will take hard work, dedication, sacrifice, and consistency to make it happen. The goal is to start and never give up. Wake up each day and do something that will make your dream closer to reality. YES, there will be heartaches, setbacks, and disappointments but those are just opportunities for growth that will lead you to your final destination. Regardless of what the outcome is enjoy the journey because that's the place where you discover who you are and find out the essence of you being. So stop procrastinating, you will never know who you are if you keep waiting on that perfect moment. So start today and make this MOMENT PERFECT.


Monday, February 13, 2017


Lost, Stuck, and Don't Know Where to Begin 

If you would have told me that I would feel lost, confused, and  unsure of myself after accomplishing one of my life long goals, I would have never believed it. It's funny how something you want so bad, doesn't live up to the hype after you get it. I thought after I received my Doctorate Degree that I would finally feel fulfilled and have it made, but boy was I wrong. 

In fact , I didn't feel smart at all. It's funny how an event that should have been so life changing brought out the insecurities of my childhood. When I was younger, I constantly battled with the notion of being good enough. How could a little girl from North Philadelphia be anything? I did not come from a family where the members had college degrees, my mom didn't have a high school diploma, and my father was a drug addict. So, how am I sitting here now as Dr. Wilson. I wasn't quite sure. I knew I put in the work. I stayed up countless nights writing my dissertation, and completing my course assignments. I wrote, revised, and resubmitted the dissertation numerous times...So, I know I have what it takes. 

I knew I deserved the title, but I didn't like people calling me Doctor. The truth is, that I didn't see myself as a Doctor and didn't feel I was worthy of the title, I rightfully earned. I didn't talk like a doctor, I didn't act like a doctor, so the shoes felt uncomfortable. Not only was I uncomfortable with being a Doctor, but I still did not have a clue what I wanted to be.  

Do not get me wrong, I enjoy being an Educator, but there was a bigger calling on my life. I just didn't know what it was and where to start.  I began to listen to inspirational speakers and ministers each day to get direction. Then a thought kept pulling at me. You like to inspire people and bring healing to them through sharing your life stories.

By nature, I am an encourager and many people have told me I should be a life coach. My reply has always been, but I need to get my life together first. How could I ever bring value to anyone else, if I didn't have these certain things myself.  So, I decided to take a step of faith and got rid of all those negative thoughts from my childhood. I decided to believe that I am more than enough. I am Dr. Wilson because I worked hard to be her. Being Dr. Wilson is the gateway to my destiny and part of my life journey to fulfill my purpose. My life goal is to encourage anyone that I come across to become the best person they can be and to find their purpose. Also, as I reveal myself to you, I hope it's healing for your soul, as it has been healing for mine.

Remember, do not let your past get in the way of your future. Your past is just a gateway to your purpose and destiny. If God gave you a dream, then he gave you all the tools to accomplish it. It doesn't matter where you are from, it just matters where you are going. 

Think Positive, Dream Big, Walk in Your Purpose


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Association Matters

Association Matter 

Have you ever been around a group of people and realized this group wasn't for you? Well, this happens when you associate with people that's are not like minded. I am not saying that the people you associate with have to be exactly life you. I am saying, you have to be around people who share the same values, beliefs, hobbies, and ambitions. Now, I know there are people that would say, I am strong enough to be around anyone. This is true, if you are only around them occasionally, but for most people, the wrong association could have a negative effect to their lives.

To accomplish your goals in life you have to associate with people that motivate you to be great. You have to surround yourself with people who have the qualities you want to develop in yourself. The people you associate with have to make you comfortable enough that you can learn from them and grow. That means you have to surround yourself with people who have what you want. Now determine what you want, find people who already accomplished it, and go after it because association matters. 
